New Snow

8 cm

Past 24HR

8 cm

Past 48HR

17 cm

Past 7Days

9 cm


135 cm

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Safety & Risk Awareness

your safety is our priority

ski patrol

The safety of our guests and staff is our number one priority at Baldy Mt, our Ski Patrol is made up of paramedics, first responders and other medical personnel, and provides emergency medical and rescue services to participants of sliding sports such as cross-country skiing, downhill skiing and snowboarding. Ski patrollers are the first responders on the slopes, and in the case of injury, transport patients to our medical center and arrange off-mountain treatment and transportation. If you find yourself in need of assistance on the mountain you can find our ski patrollers at the top of each lift, or in our medical centre.


Being safety conscious on the slopes leads to greater enjoyment and better management of the risks that are present in all outdoor sports. Always have ski and snowboard bindings checked by a certified technician.


Whether you are a participant in these activities or a parent or guardian of a minor participant, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Safety and Risk Awareness information for here

Don’t Duck A Rope – Closures in place for a reason

We know you love the powder as much as we do, but straying outside designated runs and ski area boundary means you are out of our patrolled and controlled area. Baldy Mountain Resort has launched the Don’t Duck Rope campaign to help educate our guests on the risks of going out of bounds.


We have closures in place for many reasons.  Hazards may exist in these closed areas such as avalanche control work (mainly on upper C.D.) or trees that have come down.  Be respectful of these closures for your safety.  If you choose to duck a closure rope, we may elect to block your access for a day, a week or the season depending on circumstances.


Remember, if you choose to travel outside of our ski area boundary, Baldy Mountain ski patrol does not do an “end of day” patrol sweep in these areas, nor do we undertake any rescue of out of bounds skiers and/or riders, as this will become a search and rescue circumstance, for the safety of our patrol staff.

Exclusion of Liability

alpine responsibility code

People come to Baldy Mt to experience our epic conditions and terrain. Following the Alpine Responsibility Code will help all skiers and snowboarders have a safer mountain experience. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the code, and be respectful of other users.

Tree Well Immersion & Deep Snow Safety

Natural hazards such as tree wells occur within and outside the ski area boundary. Baldy Mountain Resort would like to remind all guests to ski and ride with care, obey all mountain signage, and ski/ride with a partner or group.

A tree well is a hole or depression that forms around the base of a tree while snow accumulates. A tree well incident occurs when a person falls, head first, into an area of deep snow around the base of a tree and becomes immobilized.

The more the person struggles the more entrapped in the snow they become. The risks of a tree well accident or fatality can be reduced by following these basic practices:

  • Always ski or ride with a partner.
  • Keep your partner in sight and stay in visual contact so they can see you if you fall.

Stay close enough to either pull or dig each other out.

Find out more about Deep Snow Safety


Season Passes and Lift tickets

Ski and Snowboard Rentals


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