New Snow

5 cm

Past 24HR

5 cm

Past 48HR

17 cm

Past 7Days

19 cm


195 cm

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Carrying Children

Baldy Mountain Resort does not allow guests to ski or ride while carrying infants in any type of backpack or baby carrier.

Any child riding a chair lift at Baldy Mountain must be wearing skis or a snowboard, have sufficient ability to ride the lift, and be familiar with proper loading, riding and unloading practices and behavior.

Drone Use

Use of low-flying small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) including drones and lily cameras is strictly prohibited at or over any portion of the Baldy Mountain Resort unless part of authorized law enforcement or search and rescue efforts.

Snowmobiling and ATV Use

Public use of motorized vehicles including snowmobiles, motorcycles, off-road/all-terrain vehicles, cars and trucks are not permitted within the Baldy Mountain Resort ski area boundaries or on the Nordic activity trail system. This policy extends throughout the year, January 1st through December 31st.


Snowmobilers and other off-road/all-terrain vehicles are permitted to park in the resort overflow parking lot only. This permitted use is subject to change without notice.


Further information can be found under the Controlled Recreation Area  page of our website.

Uphill Travel: November – May

Public uphill travel within the ski area boundaries is not permitted at anytime. This does not include travelling uphill using the chairlifts to access skiable terrain during operational times. Uphill travel includes, but is not limited to, ski/split-board touring, snow shoeing, or other hiking related activities. This is for the safety of both the public and our staff.


Baldy Mountain Resort accepts no liability or responsibility for accidents that occur as a result of uphill travel.


Please visit our Guest Services for information on our trails for snowshoeing and cross country as well as proper access to them.


Season Passes and Lift tickets

Ski and Snowboard Rentals


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