New Snow

14 cm

Past 24HR

17 cm

Past 48HR

18 cm

Past 7Days

6 cm


170 cm

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The Screening Room

Peek inside skiing’s soul

At it’s core, skiing and riding is all about having fun outside with friends and family in a beautiful natural environment.


It’s about first tracks at 9:00am and 3:00pm and often days after storms.


It’s about laughter ringing throughout the hills with whoops, hollers and yells of excitement emanating from the depths of Baldy Mountain’s classic glades.


It’s kids, mom, dads and grandparents all skiing together.


At it’s core skiing’s soul is all about about pure and simple fun!


If that is what you are after, well skiing and riding’s soul lives at Baldy Mountain Resort. Come experience the true meaning of skiing and riding this winter.


Season Passes and Lift tickets

Ski and Snowboard Rentals


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